Designer & Maker

PQ "Waltz" 2019

“Waltz” was a project I took part in at the Prague Quadrennial in 2019. It was a student lead site-specific project that focused on the rituals we employ as guests and hosts.

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PQ “Waltz” 2019

site-specifc performance and space design for the Prague Quadrennial 2019


“Waltz” is so much more than a site-specific performance, it connected themes of migration, ritualisation and history, as well as spacial design and the temporal nature of humanity.

Bubny station in prague is the location of the deportation for the jewish population of prague during wwii. it has now been memorialised, yet it is still a portal to a different world. the semi-abandoned railway station still receives announcements for the arrival and departure of trains from the new station 200 metres down the tracks. The space itself is empty and contains the original ticket windows and architectural features. it is a half space, an in between space, a space where history and the present quiety collide


The main characteristics of “waltz” were those of welcomer and traveller.

travellers were individuals from all over the world (over 80 nationalities took place) that “slow travelled” to bubny station, bringing with them art works/stories/ideas/photographs/etc from their journeys. They were welcomed by the welcomers who had built and prepared the space for them. The space was only complete once all travellers had arrived.

Upon arrival, all travellers were welcomed into the space by partaking in a ritual that aimed to not only induct them into the rules of the space, but share the history of bubny as well as mark each individual arrival as significant.

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The space was used in such a way that didn’t compromise its integrity. Modular wooden platforms and steps that could be reconfigured to create different work spaces, a communal eating area, stage or performance seating.

all travellers were encouraged to create art work and exhibit it in the space - and the gallery grew with each new arrival creating a thriving and colourful space that celebrated travel, individual stories and community.

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